Save the date April 24th to join GARI' s first working group convening in San Francisco.
Save the date June 26th to join GARI's first working group convening in London.
Join us in September 2025 for GARI's annual working group convening in New York
GARI engages a range of stakeholders – investors, asset owners, insurance companies, rating agencies, multilateral agencies, NGOs, think tanks, engineering services firms, and start-ups - to share best practices for mobilizing private sector investment in climate adaptation and resilience
2021 was a critical year for ambitions around scaling adaptation finance commitments in the lead up to COP26 in Glasgow in November 2021. GARI furthered conversation around physical climate risk and the opportunities for adaptation investment amongst GARI group members and other stakeholders. In 2021 GARI expanded its global network of stakeholders through two working group meetings and two global convenings, on par with GARI's historical activities.
2021 Update and Strategy Meeting
New York Climate Week – September 21, 2021
GARI provided stakeholders a clearinghouse for updates on participant initiatives and discussed ways that GARI and its members could scale impact in the new environment. Strategic objectives and 2022 initiatives were discussed to support the adaptation and resilient communities.
Finance for Adaptation Solutions & Technologies Roundtable (FASTR) Roundtable
London Climate Action Week - June 29, 2021
GARI held a follow-on FASTR event during London Climate Action Week in partnership with the Lightsmith Group, Willis Towers Watson, Race to Resilience, the Coalition for Climate Resilient Investment, and WSP in a virtual format. The event sought to elevate the discussion around sources of financing climate adaptation and resilience finance, and showcased concrete technologies, products, and solutions that can address the climate risk problem. The session included speakers from the Lightsmith Group, WSP, Moody’s, Climate Finance Advisors, US DFC, Climate Fund Managers/CCRI, and a series of entrepreneurs. Watch the video clip here.
Finance for Adaptation Solutions & Technologies Roundtable (FASTR)
Earth Day Event – April 22, 2021
In partnership with the Lightsmith Group, the Race to Resilience, and The Resilience Shift, GARI co-convened a virtual FASTR event on Earth Day called “Accelerating Investment in the Race to Resilience” to bring together key stakeholders to discuss ambitious around scaling investment in adaptation and resilience in the lead up to COP26. The event included two panels: (1) Sources of Accelerated Investments in Adaptation Finance, and (2) Uses of Accelerated Investments in Adaptation Finance. The event included speakers from Lightsmith, Nigel Topping (COP26 High Level Champion for Climate Action), US DFC, CDC, Climate Policy Initiative, Gates Foundation, UK Environment Pension Fund, Moody’s, PayPal, Pegasus Capital Advisors, BFA Global, HSBC, SOURCE Global, CropIn Technology, and Earth Fund.
Watch the video clip here.
2021 Virtual Kickoff Meeting – January 25, 2021
Annual kick-off meeting to discuss takeaways from 2020, provide updates on participant initiatives in adaptation and resilience, ad chart out key goals for GARI in 2021.